Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Awkward Moments...

The awkward moment when you ask people to ask questions and they don't ;P {Comment or email questions you've always wanted to ask girls/guys. Email:}

The awkward moment when your teacher starts playing the tin whistle out her nose.

The awkward moment when your slacker friend encourages you to do schoolwork and saves your butt.

The awkward moment when an insult comes out better than you intended.

The awkward moment when you walk into the house bellowing Linkin Park and you have company.

The awkward moment when your sister starts eating bottom-of-the-bag Cheez-It crumbs with a gravy ladle.

The awkward moment when a ladybug flies into your bra when you're tutoring a seven-year-old.

The awkward moment when you have to explain an innuendo to your parents.

The awkward moment when you have to give your shirt to your younger sister because your boobs aren't big enough for it.

The awkward moment when you see a picture of the prom queen in the paper and go, "Hey, I know her! But I thought prom queens were always seniors..." before remembering that you ARE a senior.



  1. The awkward moment when your grandma asks you what those Cialis commercials are all about.

    My girlfriends awkward moment when, upon meeting her family for dinner for the first time, her mom proceeds to use her finger to wipe up the salad dressing at the bottom of the bowl and eat it.

  2. love these!!!

    Here's one:

    Going on a road trip with your ex. YIKES!

  3. Jay: Oooh. Those are pretty bad.

    Madeleine: Danggg. Yikes is right!

