Saturday, May 14, 2011

Busy Day

Today is going to be a very busy Saturday. Depending on when you read this, I will either be at

- An orientation meeting to go to Europe
- A baby shower
- A prom

Some of you already know about the Europe thing, but most of you do not. Well, it's kind of cool and I happen to be

REALLY FREAKING EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

about it.

I'll try to make this quick and awesome.

Ever heard of People to People?

Well, it's an organization that gets groups of kids together to be Student Ambassadors and travel to other countries in order to broaden our horizons and gain cultural understanding. The philosophy is that true peace won't come from Government to Government, but from People to People.

Every summer for the past three years, I've gotten a letter from them inviting me to have the most amazing summer, the most fantastic adventure, the most exciting journey ever. And every year, my parents are like, "Oh how cool! No."

But last summer when I got the letter, they said YES.

They said YES!!!

But it wasn't as easy as that. I had to go to an orientation meeting, go through an interview process, and some other stuff along with hundreds of other kids who wanted this. Somehow or another, the "delegation leaders" really liked me, and I got in.

So now I'm going to Europe for 19 days this summer. Specifically to Spain, France, and Italy.

I love to travel, I love people, I love languages, and I love different cultures. This is pretty much a dream come true for me. I'm having trouble expressing how huge and exciting this is.

So anyway, if you read this post between 10am and 12:30pm, I'll be with 40 other kids my age who are about to wet their pants to get on an airplane and hit Europe.

The baby shower is pretty self-explanatory. We know these people and they're gonna have a baby and they're having a shower for it and we're going. So yeah.

If you're reading this toNIGHT, I'm at a friend's prom. I had lots of fun at the prom I went to and everything, but I'd like to go to one with some actual dance music.

And that's my Saturday for today. W00T!


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