Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Book Tag

{This tag was stolen from Shena a while back :3}

{Btw, the girl I had in mind when I wrote Cynic just broke up with her boyfriend. I strongly disliked the chica anyway, so even though I know it's horrible, my inward emoticon went "IN YO' FACE!" when I found out. >.< I have got to work on not being a jerk.}

1. Favorite childhood book?

{I interpreted “childhood” to be like 10-12} The Thief Lord, On to Oregon, Homeless Bird

2. What are you reading right now?
I just finished “The Year of the Hangman,” which is a story about what could have happened if the British had won the Revolutionary War. {That’s what it’s supposed to be about anyway.} I’m about to start "Midnighters," which sounds fascinating and it's by Scott Westerfield, so I'm excited.

3. What books do you have on request at the library?
None. But I have about twenty that I want to eventually read.

4. What do you currently have checked out at the library?
Green Angel, The Year of the Hangman, and Midnighters.

5. Do you have an e-reader?
Not really. My family shares a Kindle, but I haven’t gotten into it. I thought I would LOVE having one available, but I pretty much never use it.

6. Do you prefer to read one book at a time, or several at once?
It depends. I used to read like three at a time all the time. Now I usually go with one new book and one old, comfortable book at a time.

7. Can you read on the bus?
I usually get carsick when I read on the road.

8. Favorite place to read?
Anywhere. If it’s a good book, nothing will stop me.

9. Do you ever dog-ear books?
No. No. No. No. NO. I used to, really badly. But now just a turned down corner makes me cringe.

10. Do you ever write in the margins of your books?
Hm. Occasionally. But usually only in school books, and ALWAYS in pencil.

11. What makes you love a book?
The characters must be complex and likable; the plot must be well-planned and reasonably unpredictable; it can’t have unnecessary filler.

12. What will inspire you to recommend a book?
When it has all the aforementioned!

13. Favorite genre?
Fantasy, probably, but it’s hard to find fantasy books that I love anymore. I’m definitely over the whole paranormal-romance thing. I enjoy new spins on old ideas, like redone fairy tales and behind-the-scenes historical fiction.

14. How do you feel about giving bad/negative reviews?
If it was a bad book, I give it a bad review. Charlie don’t care if a book has sensitive feelings.

15. Favorite Poet?
Dr. Seuss, John Milton, Shakespeare. I’m not very familiar with poetry, but I can tell you for sure that I love and respect those three XD

16. How many books do you usually have checked out of the library at any given time?
I usually go to the library once a week and check out two books. With school, that’s about as many as I can hope to finish in a week, if that many.

17. How often have you returned books to the library unread?
Almost never.

18. Favorite fictional character?
Heh, I just did this for a college application :D
Hector, “The Iliad”
Aragorn, “LotR”
Samwise Gamgee, “LotR”
Jason Bourne, the “Bourne” trilogy
Anne Shirley, “Anne Shirley”
Darth Vader
Betsy Ray, the “Betsy” series
Lois Lane
Tex, “Tex”
Tessa, “Infernal Devices” trilogy
Will, “Infernal Devices” trilogy

19. Favorite fictional villain?
Darth Vader probably. His cold, clever, calculating manner is just great. The best kind of scary.

20. Books I’m most likely to bring on vacation?
Whatever ones I’m reading, plus something from the “Lily” series, and possibly a “Farsala” book.

21. The longest I’ve gone without reading.
Like…16 hours? XD

22. Name a book that you could/would not finish.
Everything On a Waffle, Sea of Trolls, and Shadow of the Wind. I’m still holding out hope for all of them, though. One of these days…

23. What distracts you easily when you’re reading?
If I’m not really into a book, anything. If I’m really into a book, nothing.

24. Favorite film adaptation of a novel?
Lord of the Rings trilogy, Harry Potter films, The Chronicles of Narnia. The Hunger Games looks promising too, especially since Suzanne Collins {the author} wrote the screenplay.

25. Most disappointing film adaptation?
Eragon. That movie was a disgrace to filmmakers and story-tellers everywhere and should never, ever be mentioned in the same breath as the book. {EVER.} Inkheart was also an unmentionable atrocity, and Ella Enchanted didn’t follow the book at all. However, it was actually a good movie, just a different story, so that’s alright. Eragon and Inkheart sacrificed accuracy for…absolutely nothing.

26. What would cause you to stop reading a book half-way through?
If it was unbearably tedious.

27. Do you like to keep your books organized?

28. Do you prefer to keep books or give them away once you’ve read them?
What a question! Keep them! I’ve only ever given away one book, Wicked Lovely. A lot of people liked it, so okay, but I thought it was terrible.

I tag anyone who wants to do it. Let me know though, and I'll come read your answers :D



  1. I like this. I'm already slinking away with the stolen questions :)

  2. I loved this tag and your answers were great. I'm definitely gonna do it.

    I can't believe Suzanne Collins wrote the screenplay for The Hunger Games! I am anxiously awaiting its release.

    I just read your Christian Bale post because I saw it linked on the side. I saw him in Little Women a month or so ago and I basically had a hot actor obsession. The obsession has passed but I still love him and the fact you made a post about him.


  3. Jay: I enjoyed reading yours!

    Gabrielle: Thanks! Going to read yours now :D

    Ahhhhhhhh gaaaaaaaah. I looooooove himmmm.

    That ought to be proof right there ^ because I freaking HATE IT when people put multiple letters on words.

